The Psychology of Nail Polish Color: What Your Color Reveals About You

by Nail Schools on July 28, 2012

what your nail color says about youEveryone loves to wear a certain nail polish color. Maybe you love the color orange and can’t get enough of it. Maybe you are constantly attracted to painting your nails purple. What you might not know is that your choice of nail polish color actually reveals your qualities and psychology. The next time you choose your nail polish color, pay attention to what that color may be saying about you to other people!

  • If you prefer a magenta or purple color, then you have a taste for the finer things in life. Purple is the color of royalty, and it is also the symbol of confidence. You have a youthful energy and are always willing to try new things.
  • Bright red shows that you are a risk taker and someone who follows your heart. You have great passion and fully express it in your words and actions. You are a bit sassy, and you love to be the center of attention. You have confidence in all situations in your life. You are also a romantic at heart and enjoy being in love.
  • Another color that symbolizes a person loves to be the center of attention is orange. Orange is the color that shows a person has vibrant energy to share with the world. Orange is also a color that symbolizes change. If you want to show the world that you have brought some change into your life, then Orange is the right color for you.
  • Perhaps you are feeling a little anti-establishment one day. If you feel like you want to take on the world, then wearing black nail polish is your best option. Black is the color that shows you have a bit of rebelliousness in your personality.
  • On the flip side, wearing a french manicure shows that you are part of the professional world and are a true success. A french manicure shows that you have defined yourself. You also appreciate being glamorous and love to show off your beauty.
  • Green shows that you are spunky and love being in the environment. Green evokes a sense of earthiness, as does nude or coffee colors. If you appreciate being an earthy kind of person, then you will want to pick green or coffee colors for your nails.
  • Light blue reveals that you are a calm person and youthful. It also reveals that you have a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Whether you want to be dramatic or show your sense of peace in the world, the right nail polish color can help express your personality to the world.

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